Method and Errors of Human Cell Line Authentication DNA Tests

Cell lines play a vital role in various biological and genetic research and experimentations. They have transformed fields like drug development, cancer research, and genetics, providing consistent and replicable outcomes. Authenticating the cell lines being studied is also critical for the success of the research or the experiment. Such a DNA test is called a Cell Line Authentication Test and significantly contributes to scientific knowledge. This article will explore the significance and errors of Cell Line Authentication DNA Tests in India.

Method Used for Authenticating the Cell Lines

Cell line authentication depends on the analysis of Short Tandem Repeats (STRs). These STRs are repetitive sequences spanning 3-7 base pairs located throughout the DNA strand. These repetitive sequences are polymorphic. It means that the specific patterns of a locus or position can be replicated multiple times.

The ATCC/ANSI/ASN-0002 process uses the STR Profiling method for this testing. First, the short tandem repeats are amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These amplified units of Amplicons are then separated via capillary electrophoresis to determine the repeat numbering in the sample.

The resultant profile is then compared with a reference sample to confirm the cell line's identity.

Errors Detected in Authenticating the Cell Lines in India

Authenticating cell lines is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy of scientific research. Errors in these tests can have far-reaching consequences, affecting the dependability of the findings. 

  • Cross-contamination: Cross-contamination of the cells under study with that of the other cell lines can occur during the processing, culturing, or handling of samples. This may lead to incorrect results. To prevent cross-contamination, labs should follow strict protocols for cell culture, including regular cell line authentication testing.
  • Genetic Drift: Cell lines may undergo genetic changes over time due to suboptimal handling or long culture periods. Moreover, cells may lose their identity and become different cells with gene changes.
  • Misidentification at Source: Misidentification occurs when a cell line is wrongly labeled or identified at the source. This can happen due to lab mix-ups or inaccuracies in record-kee These errors can be widespread and even go unnoticed, making a cell lines authentication test a crucial tool for the success of any research or test.

Advantages of Cell Lines Authentication

  • Ensures Experimental Reproducibility: Cell Line Authentication ensures that the same cell line is consistently used in experiments, facilitating the reproducibility of research findings. This allows other researchers to replicate analyses and prove results.
  • Prevention of Cross-Contamination: It prevents cross-contamination of cell lines, which can happen during experiments, handling, or storage. Authenticating ensures that the cell lines used are pure & uncontaminated.
  • Saves Resources and Time: Authentication helps researchers avoid using incorrect cell lines, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent troubleshooting and repeating experiments.
  • Data Integrity: Enhances overall data integrity by preventing errors associated with contamination or misidentification of cell lines.
  • Quality Control: Regularly authenticating the cell line is a vital quality control measure in labs and research facilities. It helps maintain and monitor the integrity of cell cultures, minimizing the risk of using misidentified or contaminated cell lines.
  • Support for Drug and vaccine Development: This is crucial for maintaining the consistency and reliability of cell-based assays' in pharmaceutical & biotechnology industries.
  • Ensures Research Credibility: Many scientific journals and regulators require the authentication of the cells to maintain credibility and meet standards. Following these rules is essential for getting the research and its outcomes published in journals and securing funding for the research facility.
  • DNA Forensics Laboratory - For Accurate Cell Line Authentication DNA Tests in India

    DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is among the leading and most trusted DNA testing companies in India and abroad. They offer accurate, reliable, and conclusive cell line authentication DNA tests in India. Moreover, they are the only private company that offers court-approved DNA tests in India. They have over 400 local and international collection centers for sample collection. One can visittheir nearby collection center to give their DNA sample for testing. Furthermore, they offer the test report in 10-15 working days.


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