DNA Profiling Test in India - A Revolutionized Tool for Encoding Your Genes

DNA is an abbreviation for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. It encodes genetic information necessary for the functioning & development of the organisms. In eukaryotes (humans, animals, & plants), DNA is stored in the nucleus and in some organelles (mitochondria or chloroplasts). While prokaryotes (bacteria) store it in their cytoplasm. This double helix model holds the genetic makeup of every human and can be used to trace their ancestry and ethnicity. While DNA has many benefits, a striking area of importance is its usefulness for profiling or what is known as DNA fingerprinting. DNA Profiling is a molecular technique used to collect genetic information about the individual for parentage testing, criminal and forensic investigations. DNA fingerprinting history began with Sir Alec Jeffrey's discovery of the minisatellite DNA in 1984. Methods Used for DNA Profiling How does DNA profiling work? Our chromosomes contain markers in the DNA sequence that repeat multiple times. The number ...